FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, CIMA’s member and student magazine, is now available to download as a free app.
Available on iOS and Android devices, the app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, Google Play and Amazon.
It will be updated monthly with all Financial Management content, plus additional features including videos and study material.
The app has been launched in response to member feedback which highlighted high demand for content in digital form.
As a result, from January 2014, all members and exam complete students will receive a printed copy of Financial Management magazine six times a year, and all members and students will be able to access new content on a monthly basis through the FM app.
CIMA Executive Director, Penny McLoughlin stated: “I am delighted that CIMA’s award-winning magazine, FM, has gone digital. The new app will allow readers greater interactivity with articles, infographics and video.”
“Moving into 2014, CIMA will continue to use new technology to provide better study support and connections with the global CIMA CGMA community.”