Experts examine challenges and opportunities of whistle-blowing procedures in the UAE
SETTING UP a fraud awareness programme is essential in all companies, as it plays a vital role in providing a proactive approach to preventing future fraud issues, Abdulqader Obaid Ali, the President of UAE Internal Audit Association, has said.
Speaking during an event hosted by KPMG on the challenges and opportunities of whistle-blowing procedures, Abdulqader said that the UAE has proved itself as a leader in the region for setting up protective programmes, and urged employees to report all forms of fraud and misconduct at workplaces.
Handling complaints
Charles Robson who is the Head of Fraud Prevention Services at KPMG Lower Gulf said; “Due to the increasing realisation of the importance of whistle-blowing as an essential tool in an organisation’s anti-fraud and misconduct framework, it has become integral to gain insights from subject matter experts in both implementing of whistle-blower programmes and handling whistle-blower complaints.”
“Whistleblowing is all about courage and encouragement. Legislators in the UAE need to examine ways to encourage whistleblowers to show courage and come forward with their concerns,” Robson added.
The legal implications for setting up a whistle-blowing system were highlighted by Karl Hendricks, Partner of Risk Consulting at KPMG Lower Gulf.
“It’s important that whilst we’re pursuing the tracking of corruption, not to forget that it is equally as important to understand the legal implications and procedures relevant to this process, which are crucial to minimising the risks and related impacts.”